Saturday, October 9, 2010


Well, it's that time of year again, when everyone pulls out their fall clothes, and heads to the pumpkin patch. We headed back to Johnson's Farm again this year to check out the pumpkins. They were huge! Bailey had a great time picking out her pumpkins. She really enjoyed the little white ones. She also had fun playing on the tractors and fire truck they have for the kids to climb around in. She wasn't quite sure what to think about the hay barn, but hey, she still had fun exploring!

It's amazing to me that in one short year she can change so much. She was barely sitting by herself last time we went. Now she's walking everywhere, and wanting to discover the farm on her own. Here's some great pictures from the farm.

We also have been enjoying Sunday afternoons by attending Ryan's soccer games. Well, I don't know if enjoying is the right word to use. You see Bailey has fun wandering around in the grass pretending like she's playing soccer, and I just worry the entire time that one of two things will happen: 1) a ball will fly towards us and hit us on the head-booo! or 2) Bailey will run onto the field. But, I've taken some decent pictures of Bailey while we are there.

I love this picture of her feet in the grass. I think if I lived on an island this would be something I'd miss. There is something so comforting about grass beneath your feet. It just makes me feel like a kid. Won't be long and this green, green grass will be brown for winter.

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