Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Well the last couple of days have been fun. I was honestly anxious about how the schedule would work. I am taking a bunch of classes this semester and I have to be in Warrensburg 4 days a week and I teach 3 of them and on Fridays I do my observations and teach dance. That's right folks, I don't get to see Bailey very much. But it hasn't been too bad, the time that we do spend together is so planned out that it is nice. Plus, she and Ryan have gotten a chance to reconnect during this time. Bailey is kind of a mama's girl.

I'm really looking forward to Friday nights too. Bailey will get to spend time with my parents while I'm teaching and again I think they will love it too because I won't be there. She's going to have so much fun! I'm kind of jealous of all the fun things she will get to do with them.

Bailey has been hanging out with Ryan and this week they've been going to different parks. Really, honestly, Lee's Summit has amazing parks. Bailey really had fun tonight, I guess they have a double slide at Hartman Park, and she would race Ryan down to the bottom. Ryan said a couple times if he didn't go she would stop herself, climb back up and push him down. She came home covered in that dirty grime. Black stuff under each finger and toe nail. Oh and she had this huge black spot on her butt-Ryan just said, I don't know, I guess she sat in a puddle.

We've been finishing each night with two books read by mom! She snuggles in bed and squeezes her blanket in her hands and listens. I've been waiting to start this until I thought she could handle it. She loves it! She laughs and points and repeats words like a question. So I stop and explain it to her. I can't wait until we can read chapter books and predict what will happen. I picked out her Halloween books, so we can get excited about it. Oh, and her Foofa halloween costume came today!!!! WoooHooo! She's pretty darn cute in it-however she won't keep the hat on, so we'll see if we can get her to keep it on more throughout the next month. Ms. Independent wants to put it on by herself-when she does it it looks like a scarf.

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