Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Good-bye Summer, Hello Fall!!

Labor Day 2010 has come and gone, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I got to spend it with my family. Bailey got to go to the zoo, a picnic and she got to see lots of family. It was fun and now dance starts tonight so our lives get a little crazy.

I'm looking forward to dancing this year. I missed all of my students and I really need to start moving again. I do enjoy being home in the evenings but that usually means I also have to make dinner-and let's just say that Rachael Stewart comes out of me. So now I will only have Thursday nights to cook!

So to the FALL part of this post, this morning while quickly carrying Bailey and 50 other things in my arms/hands, I got my feet all tripped up in Bai's blanket and we fell down the stairs. Bailey is of course fine, infact she thought it was funny! My back (upper back, right between the shoulder blades to be exact) is not laughing. I think I will have to do the inevitable and visit a chiropractor. We shall see-it feels like it needs to pop.

I am also really getting excited about the holidays. I think I need to start getting into them more than I have in the past because of Bailey. I want her to love the holidays and enjoy everything about them. I love to celebrate, and I'm pretty sure she does too. So this year I will get out all of my fall stuff before Halloween and I just might have to purchase a few new things this year. I think I will purchase more generic fall decorations instead of just Halloween, or Turkey Day stuff.

The thing I'm most excited for is Elliana's arrival. My brother and his wife's little girl is due at the end of September, but this month needs to start going a little faster so she can get here already. It will be fun to have a new Gunther to celebrate with, oh who am I kidding, to snuggle with!

Hope everyone has an amazing Fall! (the weather kind, not the ouchie kind)

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