Friday, August 27, 2010


This picture is so Bailey, she's into much more fabulous would cleaning be if we could wear a tu-tu?

This week was the first official full week of school. Ryan had his second grade students Monday through Friday, I had all of my classes, and we actually did stuff other than review the syllabi's. And Miss Bai-boo started a new year of circle time activities. Her cute little daily note notified us that they will be talking about the word love for the entire week, and we are suppose to use it a lot at home (I was super excited that we, as her parents, had homework)!

So I got to thinking about that four letter word, and I wondered what and how they would use it at school. I found out they talked about God's love for them, and they made big red hearts with red paint and their feet. Unfortunately, Bai-boo got sick so she missed two days of school, so I got to spend some much needed quality time with her on one of the days. I tried as hard as I could to incorporate the word love into our dialogs. I would say, "I love juice." And she would say, "juice." I would say, "say, love, Bailey." And she would say, "ub."

While I was home with her I started thinking about all the things I "ub" about her. She is growing up so fast and becoming this super-independent, sassy thing.

So without further ado, here are the top reasons that I am in love with Bailey:

I love her crazy hair in the morning.

I love the way she needs time to wake up by watching a Gabba show (Dad, don't forget the juice).

I love the way she says, "Noo" and shakes her head when I ask her if she wants to get out of the tub.

I love the way she has started to push my hand away from whatever it is she is trying to do on her own, but struggling with, and says, "NO".

I love how much she loves bubbles.

I love how she loves the water-Miss I can jump into the pool/lake by myself!

I love the way she still needs her Binky, and baby, and blanket.

I love how she is able to interchange the word nigh, nigh for all three of the previously mentioned items.

I love the way she savors whatever it is she is eating by throwing her head back and saying mmmm.

I love the way she loves her family and friends by giving them little hugs and kisses and the way she pats their backs.

I love the way she loves Pudge (Puh). They have become bff's.
I love the way she calls all fruit apples.
I love how her feet stink (wonder where she got this talent from).
I love that she loves to swing at the park.

I could go on forever, but these are just a few of my favorites. She is transitioning from baby to little girl, so I wanted to make sure that I will always remember these little loves.

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