Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

I don't know about you, but I'm super excited that spring is showing itself. Big surprise everyone-I've been wearing my flip flops since last week. My toes are so happy to be free. I'm really glad to be able to get outside with Bailey. We finally got to use that new wagon we got from Santa-she loves it. I put a drink in the cup holder, wrap a blanket around her legs, and we head out down the street. The only thing I'm not so sure that I like is that she thinks it's funny to drop stuff out of the wagon. I probably walked up and down our street 4 times the other day looking for her binkie-it was in her pants.

We decided to get Bailey a Friends of the Zoo pass for her birthday, so Saturday, Ryan, Bailey and I went to Africa and saw the gorillas, zebras, and giraffes. It was soooo nice and it was fun. She can totally see the animals and she points to them, and giggles at them. I hope this time is something she enjoys. I know we love it-watching her discover things is amazing, and those animals sure are neat to discover. I still think it's weird that they were out in March, I mean, if you think about that most of these animals live in Africa-where it's hot-and they were just hanging outside in MO where it was 50 something degrees. My mom, Bailey and I went back to the zoo on Sunday with Jennifer and Morgan. I had fun, I don't know about my mom, she did say she would go back though. I guess I kind of understand that once you've seen an elephant, you don't really need to see one again. I just think they're fascinating creatures.

I ordered Bailey's birthday party supplies this afternoon. I still can't believe it's been a year already. I hope this is the best birthday ever! She's just so much fun, and just think, the next year will be even more fun.

Finally, exciting developing Bailey news is that she is pulling up on things now. Oh, and I've been able to get her to take naps in her bed (a nap has to be a 1 hour sleep increment). So, I can get some stuff done while this napping is happening. And this week there has been new Yo Gabba Gabbas on tv! This week has been great so far-I can't wait for next week-spring break!

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