Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ok, so these first pictures were taken at Paradise Park. Bailey loved the padded room-she crawled and climbed over everything! And face painting was a blast for her-she didn't get it at first, but then she realized the crayon left a mark on her face in the mirror, and I thought she was gonna fall off her stool she was so excited! She also had a good time playing in the water part, but who doesn't like to splash water all over everyone else.
But my favorite part of our trip to Paradise Park was during story time. There were probably 20 kids in the room with their parents, and Bailey was a total show off. She was drinking her juice really fast, and she kept putting her arms in the air like "hooray" for me, and she was waving to everyone. She's become quite the little social butterfly-wonder where she gets that from? I just love who she is.

This last picture is her new "thing" she sleeps on her tummy now, with her butt in the air. I love it! We kiss her goodnight, and she folds her hands and flips over. We lowered her crib to the lowest level so now I don't worry so much about her falling out of it.
Life has been a little less crazy-well kind of!
Bailey is 11 months old, and we are planning her birthday-invites went out this week and they are super duper cute! Thanks Ryan, and G-ma Rhonda for helping with those!
Bailey is finally over her RSV-that was not fun, and I hope and pray she doesn't ever EVER get it again. However, Ryan, Carly, and I got food poisoning. I thought I was going to die-how does a little itty bitty germ make us so sick. I think on a scale of having a baby (that's how I compare most pain now) having a baby was easier. I had drugs, I seriously thought my stomach was trying to come out and say hello to the world. Ryan felt the same way. Carly thinks this will be something we will laugh about-I'm giggling, but only because my ab muscles are still sore to laugh. I think she's right though, something crazy was bound to happen. OH, Carly got some super cute pictures of Bailey for her 11 months photo shoot. I have to figure out how to get them on the computer to post!
I think that's all for now! I'm super excited about spring-I took Bailey for a walk in our wagon today. She loved it-dogs would bark at us as we passed by, and she would just make dog sounds back to them-cute! My dad taught her how to say Hot, but you have to whisper when you say it. He really wants her to say Caliente, but she can't even say Mama yet (watch she'll say Caliente first). She's learning lots everyday, I just love being her mom. I'm going to try to learn how to post videos on here, I've got some good ones of Bailey and Pudge playing.

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