Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Break & Bailey's 1st Birthday

Wow! This week flew by. I always have so much fun on spring break. The week started out kind of cold and gloomy, and then got sunny, and we ended the week with snow, lots of it. Monday, Ryan, Bailey, and I headed to the zoo again. We mostly hung out in Australia. The funniest thing ever happened while we were there, a kangaroo tried to escape. He came flying across this field when the train came through, and then he hung out by the gate, and then he hopped on through.

Tuesday was the clean out the basement day. It looks super nice now-well organized at least. Wednesday we painted the master bedroom, which I love. It's pretty peaceful in there now. Thursday Mike and Jancy came in town so we hit the zoo again with Amber and Lincoln too. It was the most beautiful day of spring so far. Bailey had so much fun she finally just passed out asleep around 3:00. She was awake looking at the elephants and then bam-out!! Friday I got everything ready for her party and Saturday was the party!!
The party was a blast! My mom made the most amazing cake ever-well it always tastes great, but the decorating was perfect. Bailey looked just a delicious in her party dress. She absolutely loves being the center of attention. I couldn't ask for a more perfect little girl! I made some yummy food for everyone to eat. I hope everyone enjoyed it, I always worry that people are just nice and say they like the food, but they really don't. My friend Jennifer and I were talking today about how weird it was that when we all got together we all had kids finally. Pretty crazy!!
Sunday ended on a sad note, Smudge is finally on his way to his new home. After he attacked Bailey we had to get rid of him, and the thought of finding a new home for him was tough, but Mike and Jancy decided to take him. They promise anytime we get together that they will kennel him so Bailey doesn't have to be around him. He's spent the last two weeks at my parent's house. I think he loved it there-he seemed very happy. Even though I'm bummed that he isn't home with me snorting up a storm, I know he's in a good place being loved. Smudge loves the lake, especially swimming, so he will be happy.
Enough of that nonsense here's some fun pictures!!!

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