Friday, February 19, 2010

Sick Bailey!

This has been a hard week for us at the Burke house. Little Miss Bai, has been super duper sick. She woke up last Friday morning with a gooey, closed eye. So we headed to the doctor, and the diagnosis was pink eye-we've been putting drops in those eyes. Bai hung out with Cool Guy that afternoon while I headed to class-Thanks Cool Guy!

That cleared up on Sunday while I was out of town-Yeah!! Then, Sunday evening Ryan sent me a new text that Bai had a fever. Well, Monday she still had a fever, but it was President's day so Ryan was home with her, then Tuesday, she still had a fever, so I knew Wednesday she couldn't go to daycare, so Ryan stayed home with her, but Wednesday she was a hot mess. Coughing, and just wanting to sleep. While she was awake all she did was whimper. They headed to the doctor again, and Bailey Bug had an ear infection--poor thing! So Thursday, she just slept and whimpered all day and night-with a fever. Today is Friday, and my dad came over this morning to hang with her while I headed to class, and Ryan had a meeting at school. When she finally woke up she was one big boogered face-gross!! But she just wanted to snuggle with my dad, so I knew she wasn't much better. Finally this evening she will play for about 20 mins and then just lay down on the floor and nap. She's been chasing Pudge around again.

Enough of the sick drama! I had a great time in Houston-it was fun seeing the Starpower people. I really missed my Bailey though & Ryan. We are looking forward to things slowing down a bit-we've got some serious chores to do around the house (clean out the garage, the basement, and paint and re-do our master bedroom). I guess that's what spring break is for, well part of it. The 20th of March will be for celebrating Bailey's 1st. Birthday! I can't wait-Ladybug is the theme-Bailey Bug-Get it!! Here are some fun pictures!!

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