Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's been awhile!

Well, things really haven't been too crazy around here. Bailey is crawling everywhere and getting into everything! Joel and Amber had their baby boy, Lincoln, on 1/29. He's pretty cute, the other day when we visited them, Bailey just wanted to kiss him. It was super cute.

Other exciting news, I'm going to be Aunt again! My brother and his wife are having a baby, due the end of September. I hope it's a girl, but I bet it will be a boy. The other night they came over to our house and went through Bailey's old clothes to pick out stuff she wanted me to save just in case it is a girl and I got kind of sad looking at all the cute clothes Bailey had. They were so tiny, I was just amazed that she ever fit into them. I remember thinking that she would never fit into some of the outfits she wears now, but my-how time flies when your having fun! Before I know it she'll be walking.

Bailey is going to hang out at Grammy's and Cool Guy's on Friday night. She always has fun over there, and my mom got Bailey some new toys at the JBF sale. Last time we were there, they fit Bailey in her new car seat-the BIG GIRL car seat. She loved it, I think she was proud to be in a bigger one. She kept kicking her legs and turning her head and snuggling in. She's quite the show off now.

This weekend Mike and Jancy are coming in town to help watch Bailey while I head to Houston to judge for Starpower. It should be fun-at least warmer if anything. I'm really done with winter. While I was shopping at the Just Between Friend's sale today, I really got excited about warmer weather. I can't wait to take Bailey for walks in her new wagon, take her for a bike ride in her new rider thing, and just to be outside. I'm super excited about swimming with her-she loves the bath, and I hope and pray that she loves to swim.

I promise I'll be better about posting, I've got some new pictures to post. But now, it's off to bed!

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