Tuesday, May 24, 2011


We had a play-date a couple weeks ago with Morgan. Jennifer was busy helping her dad at a garage sale, and I thought it would be fun if we got them together. Bailey "loves" Morgan! She was so excited to get together with her. They always have way too much fun!
Morgan Play Date

Morgan Play Date

Morgan was excited to come over too. I always let them jump on my bed-and this time Bailey could actually jump. I think Morgan liked that. These two are going to be friends for life-you see, Morgan's mom, Jennifer, is my BFF, so it will be fun to watch their relationship grow. Morgan is almost a year older than Bailey, so she does a lot of things first and faster. But this time they really played well together-the age difference wasn't so obvious.
Morgan Play Date
Morgan Play Date
Morgan Play Date
Play Date
They really are funny to listen to. Bailey is wild and crazy like me, and Morgan is pretty cautious like Jennifer. However, Bailey can talk Morgan into doing some crazy things. Jennifer and I are worried about what kinds of trouble they will get into. We NEVER got into trouble. HA!! It's also pretty funny that their names are Morgan & Bailey-two very delicious drinks if I do say so myself.
Play Date
Play Date
Everyone needs a good friend in their life!

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