Saturday, April 23, 2011

Well, a great many and wonderful things have/has happened since I last posted (blogged)! So here it goes:
My mom turned 50, FIFTY!! (It is really fun to type that number in all caps!) And on her actual b-day we enjoyed a blizzard, check out all the snow! Seriously, I had no idea that we could get so much snow in one day. I made my mom's birthday cake-which tasted delish, but was actually a huge disaster in the making. I, dropped an entire layer of the cake, splat, onto the kitchen floor. I will admit that I cried, and threw a huge hissy fit in front of Bailey when it happened. I am an excellent role model for her!

Anyway, the party was a complete surprise for my mom-she even brought pigs-in-a-blanket for the "game night" we were supposed to have! Ha!

We got all dressed up and went out to eat for my mom's 5oth FIFTIETH birthday at the Marina Grog and Galley. My brother ate a crab leg from the latest season of the Deadliest Catch, and I still do NOT care for sea food. I did have the most amazing chocolate cake. Did I mention no babies were allowed at this dinner?!! Oh, we all had fun and ate way too much food.

We also celebrated my nephew's 1st birthday, and we ate more cake!

1 comment:

  1. When you finally update your blog you have to tell the world that I'm 50!!!!
