Thursday, January 14, 2010

What a Week!!

Well, it is Thursday evening, and I think we are going to survive the week, better yet, the semester. I love my classes, I have this amazing math teacher that sings songs and comes up with silly ways to remember things-bonus!!! So, this time I should pass math.

Even better news is that Bailey LOVES her daycare. I thought Monday was going to be this super sad day, and she was fine and I was fine. Then on Wednesday she was excited to be back there, and was even grumpy with me when she had to leave. Waking up at 7:00 am has however been a huge change for her as she was used to sleeping until 9:30-10:00. So we've been "hitting the hay" earlier to make sure Miss Bai gets a good nights rest. I also found out that she's been taking super naps over there which is something I can't seem to get her to do at home. We had lunch today with Cool Guy (my dad) and Bailey got some chocolate cake-WOW did she love it.

This weekend should be a pretty normal weekend, and the weather is suppose to be kind of decent and Ryan will be home on Monday because it's MLK day. I'm sure Bailey will enjoy that.

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