Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Long Weekends....

I really enjoy three day weekends. It's great especially now that Ryan is working on Friday and Saturday nights, because I get a bonus day with him. This weekend was full of a couple firsts for us.

To start with little Bailey was sick starting Friday and after some drama at the doctors office she has a UTI...how does a little baby get a UTI you ask...I would like to know too. So she is on some medicine-grape flavored-that she detests. She's started smelling her food before it goes in her mouth-I know right, how human-(but she's not supposed to know these tricks yet). So no more tricking her into eating one more bite of veggies. But the big first was that she had to endure a painful catheter attempt by a nurse (if you can call her that). And she had her first pee in a bag experience (and 3rd and 4th) it was terrible. So hopefully Bai is going to get well soon.

OOOH! A great first was that I made for real, fried chicken, on Sunday. Well chicken fingers. I actually breaded them and fried them. Our house still smells like fried food when I walk in. I even fixed all the trimmings, mashed potatoes and white gravy, green beans with bacon, and Ryan's fave, rolls. It was delicious!!

Another fun first for our family is that Bailey's hair is finally long enough to wear hair clips. I will post a pic soon, the camera is dead.

And finally, Bailey has officially started moving around the house. We have to get baby gates this weekend. She's everywhere and it's so much fun!!

Oh wait, one more! While Bailey was watching Toy Story 3 I think for the 2nd time at the doctor's office, today she saw the dog-the big slinky wiener dog, and called it "Udge" which is her word for Pudge and Smudge. When we named our dogs we didn't think about our future children having issues saying their names. But how exciting-she recognized a dog. She's brilliant!!!

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