Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ladies Night-Oh What a Night!

Right off the bat, I need to let you all know that I am playing around with my blog "design" which means that I-me (the girl with no computer language skills) is trying to figure it out. Also, I'm using photo bucket to edit my pics and resize them, so please, forgive the craziness.

The other week we had a girls night. Let me start this by stating that I love Bailey, I love my Ryan, and all of the wonderful joys that those two bring to my life, however, it is great to have girlfriends. You know the ones that you can call in a pickle, or call to tell them the funny thing that my kid did, or the funny thing that Ryan didn't do. And they laugh with you, or cry with you (which for the record, I don't think has happened yet). Girls night is the time for me to recharge. I can turn off my mom & wife batteries and just relax. After these nights of me time, I can honestly say, I am a little better at the mom/wife thing. It could be that I learned some cool new parenting trick from the other mama's or I learned some new relationship tidbit, either way, I'm better.

These girls are great! They are younger than me by a couple of years, and so when I turn 30 in April I know they will make fun of me but they will also celebrate with me. We all met through dance so our families go waaaayyyyy back. Ashley, Anne, and Sheena started girls night, and so I was delighted when I got an invite to join them. Ashley and Anne used to be roomies in college-so you can imagine some of the stories. Sheena is a teacher so I look to her for advice on teaching. They are the same age I think, Here's the run-down:

Ashley is the oldest sister to Katie and Sarah. She is dating this cute boy, they will be celebrating their one year mark this summer. Usually Katie is with us, but she had a busy day at work, and we were excited that Sarah came. Sarah is a newlywed and lives in northern MO.

Sheena is a new Mommy to a little cutie named Tanner. She is the practical one that keeps us all in line. Her husband is a pilot-how cool is that-seriously!

Anne is my hair girl! And she is the first of us to become a mom, and this is still crazy to me, but she is having another baby. Her son Hunter is a couple months older than Bailey, and they have so much fun playing together. We are all excited to find out what she is having again. I think boy, but I know now that I wrote this she will have a girl. (I'm still trying to convince her to put Kendra somewhere in the name)

Ok, now that you know all of us-we tried a new restaurant and food this night. We ate Indian food. Which I have to be honest with you, was NOT good. I will never eat there again. I even got a rewards card when I paid-Ha Ha Ha! You order the food like you do at Chipotle-kinda weird. I think we all enjoyed the first bite, and then each bite after that got yuckier and yuckier. So, we did what any girls would do...we headed next door to Houlihan's for drinks!

Houlihan's was nice because we sat on the patio, and right before we left it started to rain-it was beautiful. I enjoy these nights because I laugh so hard my cheeks hurt. And you know what is so great is that we all bring something different to the table. We each specialize in something different and we all embrace those differences to learn something new from each other. Every girl needs-girls.

Next time we get together, I will bring my camera again, but only for one picture-a group pic. We have to have one of us all together so that in 30 years we can laugh at how beautiful we were.

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