Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011

Well, it's out with the old, and in with the new! 2010 was a crazy year, I am always sad to see the year end, but the new year is here, and I must make the most of it. I am creating our family 2011 calendar, and while going through the pictures from 2010, I noticed three things:

one-I am getting old, I will be 29 this year (my final year as a twenty something!!) (those !! are not excited ones) I do not want to turn 30 at all-I'm just getting older, trying to get wiser. When I think of myself in my head, I'm still 18-21! Super sexy and young-but in reality, I'm old, and I have wrinkles. I keep trying to tell myself those wrinkles are from laughing and smiling so much in my 28 years on this earth, but those pictures I look at scream OLD BALLS! I will just have to rock 29+ still sexy, but older!

Two-Bailey has grown sooooo much this year, she went from a baby to a toddler to a teenager all within 365 days. Seriously though, she is like this amazing little person that I get to call mine. She is super happy unless she's not getting her way, and she is simply the best!

Three-there sure is a lot of love going on here at the Burke house! Ryan and I both try our hardest (even though we may not both always be there) to make sure Bailey knows how much we love her. We also try super hard to expose her to new and exciting adventures in her little life. She loves the zoo, Paradise Park, a park, swimming, the lake, etc. But she also loves all the people in her life. And we are so lucky to get to be witnesses to the love they share for her. I wish I could bottle up all that love and sell it-everyone needs to experience it!

I have two huge goals for 2011 that I AM going to accomplish. The first is that I will graduate in December with my degree in Special Education-how cool is that! Second, I will run in a marathon (wich I will blog about seperately). Who knows what else 2011 will bring to me and my family...a wise person once told me that I just have to make sure that I'm not selfish with my time, but that I make the most of my time and that I share it in a positive and meaningful way. I want people to think about the interactions they have with others and reflect on whether or not that interaction was positive, or did you just take someone's precious time that they will NEVER be able to get back and suck the pleasure and joy out of it! Don't be the dementor in life, but do suck the good stuff out!!

Happy New Year!

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