Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer's Ending

We had another fun couple of weeks. Bailey had a play date last week with Hunter at Deanna Rose Farms in Olathe. She loved it, even though it was super hot. Hunter is so much fun, he kept dancing around and he just runs everywhere. Anne (Hunter's mom) had fun too. She thought it would be a fun place to bring Steve. Then we went to McDonald's for lunch-I know, I know, I'm a terrible mom because I let her eat there. But Bailey loves it! She has chicken nuggets and apple dippers. Now whenever she eats chicken nuggets she requests apples. She was quite the show off in front of Anne and Hunter-I don't know where she gets that from???

Then we headed to the Lake of the Ozarks for my Grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary. My dad's entire family was there, and it was fun!! Bailey loved swimming in the lake, and she enjoyed hanging out with my cousin Elizabeth (she's 4). They played tea party, and watched cartoons together.

Then this past week has been fun because we Gampy's and Ryan's birthdays to celebrate. Monday night we went to my parent's house for a fiesta and peanut buster parfait (barfait). I didn't realize it would take all day for the hot fudge sauce to cool, and it literally melted my ice cream in front of me. It was running all down the cabinets and Pudge still has clumped fur because of it. Oh well, it still tasted good. We had great time celebrating.

Tuesday was Ryan's birthday and we had fun making a cake for him. Well let's just say the bottom layer broke into two pieces and while I was frosting it, the plate flipped and the cake went rolling across the counter leaving a gooey trail of peanut butter frosting. Again, it still tasted great!!

My nephew Lincoln has had the chicken pox so Ryan's mom, Jancy, came up and watched him this week since he couldn't be at daycare. We all met Anne and Hunter at Tunnel Voyage today. They have this toddler area that is just the right size. Bailey loved climbing up the net thingy and sliding down the big slide. At the end she would crawl in the tunnel with the windows and smash her face up against the window for anyone that would pay attention. Hunter hung out in the ball pit!

And now we are headed to Iowa for my Great Grandma's 95th birthday party. Bailey's Great-Great Grandma Nana. Crazy!!! Should be fun-not looking forward to the 6 hour car ride. Then we will head to Table Rock one more time this summer before Ryan has to get back to school. See summer is almost over.

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